Oumar Barou Togola

Oumar Barou Togola

Founder & CEO

Oumar has Africa running through his veins. He was born in Mali and spent much of his childhood in Benin, Chad and Canada. After founding and leading a successful food export company he is applying his learnings to develop equitable, transparent and regional agricultural food chains that focus on feeding Africa.

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Ballakissa Sidibe

Farmer Engagement Director

Ballakissa is a recognized leader in agriculture honoured with a Knighthood in Agriculture by the President of Mali for decades of service to the women of Mali. Ballakissa has founded regional bakeries, women farmer groups and primary schools. Ballakissa is a retired midwife and successful entrepreneur.

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Soungalo Togola

Managing Director

Soungalo is a professional hydrologist and project manager with decades of experience in country wide village development. He retired from a 23 year career with UNICEF as a country manager and has directed the development of farm processing and exports for Farafena. Soungalo has a Masters degree in Water Resource and Hydrology. .

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Dylan Beechey


Dylan is a doer, fixer and problem solver. He has spent most of his professional career in a range of operations roles as well as managing small and medium size customer service teams. Dylan has spent the last 7 years managing the operations of a Malian/Canadian company.

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Kevin Wilson


Kevin has over 40 years immersed in project development, quality assurance and supply chain management. Kevin brings these collective acumen to bring focus on integrating the required technologies for Savanna. Throughout his career, Kevin has worked with teams in Tanzania, Mali, as well as the Canadian arctic, Estonia, India and Australia. The diversity of regions matches his multiplicity of experience, particularly when it comes to solving complex project deliveries.

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Cheickna Kone

Logistics Director

Cheickna has decades of experience in the details of transportation and logistics. Cheickna worked as a transportation driver for over 20 years and for the last 6 years has managed all movement of produce for Farafena from farm to port. Cheickna is a seasoned expeditor for resources, equipment and approvals.

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Mariam Sidibe

Processing Centre Manager

Mariam is a proven manager with over 16 years experience managing multiple bakeries and managing women processors in the Farafena processing facility. Mariam brings an in-depth understanding of empowering local workers and demonstrating leadership by women in the agricultural sector. Mariam has a degree in Business Administration.

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Afou Togola

Director of Agriculture

Afou is a recent graduate from the National School of Agriculture of Meknes (ENAM) with a Diploma in Agricultural Engineering. Her studies are focused on agroeconomics. Afou will consult with and support smallholder farmers, particularly women farmers. Afou will work with Savanna agricultural partners to implement technologies addressing soil health, irrigation, plant breeding, agroecology and farm practices to ensure sustainable farms.

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Fatoumata Sidibe

Director of Marketing

Fatoumata has completed her undergraduate studies in marketing from Wisconsin International University in Ghana. She will complete her Masters from Wisconsin International in April 2021. Fatoumata will focus on consumer awareness and bringing the Savanna message to all stakeholders.

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Ousmane Dicko


Ousmane holds an MBA in Finance with over +8 years banking experience. He has managed projects in West Africa. He is was born and raised in West Africa.

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