“My generation, and younger, are rewriting the African narrative. A narrative founded in diversity, resilience, patience, and a generational connection to the land. Agriculture will strengthen the steps of African youth focused on creatively solving the most challenging issues of the continent. Savanna is one of many humble approaches.”

- Oumar Barou Togola, Founder & CEO

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Our goal is to facilitate relationships and transparency so that amazing smallholder farmers in Africa can easily feed Africans with the freshest ingredients and amazing products that are delivered directly to your home or office.

We believe that food should be healthy, fresh and local. We believe in local food vs imported food. We therefore partner with local producers and farmers who you can trust; real smallholder farmers who have integrity, who work hard to feed themselves and others; who are the leaders respecting our environment, who care about our community, people who are striving to adopt sustainable practices.  

We select local ingredients from partners who care about the freshness, variety and quality of your food.  We practice and actively support organic and sustainable growing methods that respect crop diversity and soil health, avoiding the use of pesticides.